How I Coped With My Cat's Terminal Cancer
Ceremony and Legacy for My Beloved Companion
Photo by Stuart Philkill
Last night my beloved Ella Loo, one of the great loves of my life, ascended into the Great Beyond. The ceremony of her passing was one of the most profound experiences of my life and although my grief still stings in my body, I feel at peace. From the moment she was diagnosed with terminal squamous cell carcinoma at the age of 9 1/2 just three weeks ago, I knew that the only thing I could do was to be fully present for her experience and let her go as gracefully as possible.
One of the promises I made to Ella was to tell her story. The bond between owner and pet is so deep but also very individual. That makes their hospice a uniquely lonely kind of letting go. I wrote this account to bring comfort to other pet owners reeling from a terminal diagnosis. This article is her legacy, a celebration of her grace and wisdom and all the lessons she taught me, culminating in her death. I offer it in honor of all beloved fur babies but most especially my sweet little bear.