Posts in Personal Growth
Is Life Still a Festival?

Life is a Festival #59: World of Wisdom Podcast with Nils von Heijne

This repost from an interview I did on the World of Wisdom podcast is the best articulation I’ve made of the Life is a Festival philosophy and why even though there are no gatherings to attend and the world is filled with grief and anxiety, we should keep the fire of celebration burning.

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The Acid Countess and the Art of Consciousness

Life is a Festival #54: Amanda Feilding (Beckley Foundation)

I ask the sphinx of psychedelia all my favorite acid questions, like whether medicalization is the best path to legalization and how to avoid unnecessary emotional downturns (sugar it turns out). We dive deep into her research, the nature of the ego, and the jealousy between different psychedelic compounds.

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The Marvelous Mother Shucker of Mardi Gras

Life is a Festival #52: Katrina Brees (The Bearded Oysters)

We go deep into the history of Mardi Gras with fabulous parades and exclusive balls, prideful showings and pubic wigs. We discuss Katrina’s work advocating against gun violence, microdosing for mental health, and throwing a lemonade party when life gave her its sourest lemon.

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