Life is a Festival Podcast
Through intimate, long-form interviews, Life is a Festival unlocks the wisdom of cultural pioneers to help listeners integrate transformational experiences and create more joy and adventure in their daily lives.
Life is a Festival #176
Civic responsibility in the age of polarization
Life is a Festival #175
Service, legacy, and giving back to one’s community.
Life is a Festival #174
A guide to Burning Man's survival
Life is a Festival #172
Playing around at BMIR 2019 and Harm Reduction Tips for 2024
Life is a Festival #171
Midlife is not a crisis but a chrysalis—a time for transformation and growth.
Life is a Festival #170
In a world beset by tragedy its important to learn how to grieve.
Life is a Festival #169
Tina Nance, yin yoga and embodiment specialist returns to Life is a Festival to share her evolving ideas around gender, trauma healing, and embodiment.
Life is a Festival #168
Guinevere Rhonwen & Lizz Larouge created the festival Colours of Love on the island d of Koh Phangan as their wedding celebration.
Life is a Festival #167
Sami and Sharon return to the show to discuss their ambitious peace project, the Lighthouse.
Life is a Festival #166
The Village of Lovers helps us heal the wounds of gender and experience love free from fear.
Life is a Festival #165
In Part Two of our Taoist sexuality series, focusing on woman’s body’s and yin principles, I speak with the Senior Woman’s Instructor at Tao Garden.
Life is a Festival #164
Master Chia, a celebrated Taoist teacher, is best known for his book "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" and his expertise in the alchemy of erotic energy.

Psychedelic Therapy Podcast
A conversation series with leaders in the psychedelic community specifically for therapists, healers, retreat leaders, and passionate enthusiasts. Presented by Maya Health.
Psychedelic Therapy Podcast #68
Psychedelic medicine for a better brain
Psychedelic Therapy Podcast #67
In the wake of Matthew Perry’s death, a founder shares concerns about low standards in telehealth companies
Psychedelic Therapy Podcast #66
Why the FDA remains cautious and how psychedelic therapy may or may not fit into the Western medical model.
Psychedelic Therapy Podcast #65
Iboga, the Bwiti people of Gabon, and the powerful pharmacology of this unique plant medicine.
Psychedelic Therapy Podcast #65
Dr. Tippett discusses the differences between industry trials, academic trials, and private practice.
Psychedelic Therapy Podcast #64
The origins of mental health treatment, the use of psychedelics and psychotropics together, and important contraindications.
Psychedelic Therapy Podcast #63
What is the difference between an Icaro, a medicine song, and other music?
Psychedelic Therapy Podcast #62
The roots of the mental health crisis, the role of psychedelics in healing, and what healing actually means.
Psychedelic Therapy Podcast #61
Oregon's Bills 109 and 110 and Colorado's Proposition 22 are big news for psychedelic therapists! But it's complicated.
Psychedelic Therapy Podcast #60
Could enhancing creativity be the key to healing mental illness?

For Booking, consulting, and other INQUIRIES, email me!

Life is a Festival #178
From Gabon to Cancún, sticking the landing on my healing journey